Transforming Men Through Jesus Christ In Authentic, Weekly Fellowship In Discipleship

Chris Chaffin (Blessed Men of Christ – BMOC)

“Spiritual warfare is a real thing. Someone once told me that the Devil is on a limited budget though. He uses cheap tricks like isolation, guilt and shame to keep men trapped in their sin. The Lord, on the other hand, uses the bonds of brotherhood to bring our secret compartments into the light where they lose their hold on us. It took me a long, long time to finally realize that if I am going to grow up and really pursue Christ-like relationships in my marriage, with my children and others, then I have to deal with my true self, warts and all. That means talking about it – out loud – with other men! My small group has meant the world to me because they listen, provide feedback and encouragement, don’t judge, and love me - warts and all.”

Chris is an active member at Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church (MDPC), Assistant General Counsel at PROS, husband to Mary, dad to three amazing kiddos, and is a graduate of Duke University and the University of Texas, School of Law . 

FinD serves to transform men through Jesus Christ in authentic, weekly fellowship in discipleship. This testimonial and many others from FinD men can be found at

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