Transforming Men Through Jesus Christ In Authentic, Weekly Fellowship In Discipleship

Transformation Survey

Mens Ministry SurveyEntire Survey Results
FIND is unique from other non-profits in that when outsiders ask about the IMPACT of our ministry, it’s difficult to convey “inner spiritual transformation” or “growth in intimacy with Christ”. Other groups like Living Water can point to how many wells they drill. Habitat for Humanity can show how many homes they’ve built. Family Point Resources or Spring Spirit can talk about how many kids they’ve tutored, fed, or taught baseball.

For FIND, we can discuss our 93% group retention rate, or that 91% of our members provide financial support each year. But that’s not really the metric that best measures our mission statement:

Transforming men through Jesus Christ in authentic, weekly fellowship in discipleship.  We think the best way to do this is with a self-reflection survey about the transformation you have experienced since joining your FIND group. We are calling this the FIND Transformation Survey. It’s only 10 quick questions with a 1-10 rating for each. Three minutes of your time – tops. Each new group will complete this survey prior to launch. In fact, our latest group (FIND # 35), did this and said it was very easy and straightforward. Now, we’re going back to the rest of our men to do this retroactively. Our hope is that you will do your very best to remember where you were in your spiritual journey when your group kicked off.

How does it benefit YOU? We will repeat this annually, so you can see how the Holy Spirit is transforming your life since joining your FIND group. Strive towards Paul’s imperative in Romans 12:2, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is.” Be honest with your self-assessment. Only you (and Clint) will see the results of the individual survey responses. On an aggregate basis, these results will give us an anonymous, FIND-wide metric. To outsiders, we will be able to convey something like “our groups are experiencing life changing transformation. Check out this graph showing a year by year history of how 283 men have grown in their inner spiritual health.” Again, that’s for the entire ministry, not individualized by member.

Finally, we are providing you with two survey links below - a link to the RETRO SURVEY and a link to the CURRENT SURVEY. Each survey should only take you one to two minutes. Very short. For the RETRO SURVEY, think back as best you can to when your small group started. Where was your inner spiritual health at that time? Be as honest as you can with yourself. Then, click on the CURRENT SURVEY and answer as best you can about where your spiritual health is today.
Current SurveyRetro Survey
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