Transforming Men Through Jesus Christ In Authentic, Weekly Fellowship In Discipleship

FIND JobSeekers

FIND LinkedIn Group
For questions or to post your resume, please complete the form at the bottom of the page.
View Resumes
If you are a current FIND member, searching employment, your resume is eligible for posting. We are also extending this benefit to “2nd Level” friends. In other words, if you’ve discovered this resource and you know a current FIND member, you can get your resume posted through him.

It’s our prayer that each FIND member will visit this site at least once a month to check out the resumes. If you can think of ANY possible connection that could be made – even to a friend of a friend – please help bridge the JobSeeker to your resource.

FINDing Job Opportunities:
Visit WorkFaith


A faith-based non-profit providing job search training & coaching offered without charge for men looking for further job search support assistance, resume enhancement, interview technique, & leads.  


Sivian Merrick, Manager of Coaching Services.  713.520.2959,

Who’s Hiring and who’s Freezing – Candor
Companies hiring right now
Should you apply on-line? Here’s a better way…

Attracting Hiring Managers:

       Six (6) Resume Writing Myths and How to Get a More Responses on your Resume
       Six (6) Powerful Ways to Attract More Career Opportunities on LinkedIn
       Put the X-factor in your job search

Interview Prep:

       How to Handle Common Interview Questions
       More Interviewing Tips
       Prepping for Behavior Based Interview Question

JobSeekers Commitee

John Yochum - MoB Squad

Mike Suerth - UFC

Mat Yelvington - HE>i

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