Transforming Men Through Jesus Christ In Authentic, Weekly Fellowship In Discipleship

FIND #36

FIND Anniversary – May 30, 2024

Left to Right:
Randy Wilhelm, Dave Brown, Jonathan Johannes, Hayden Hullings, Kelby Green, Keith Smith, Bryan Osteen, Chris Paschall (not pictured is Kelvin Brady)

L.I.F.E. (Leap Into Faith Everyday)

FIND Anniversary – Feb 29, 2024

Left to Right:
Michael Hyde, Fred Hernandez, Dan English, Kalon Collins, Brian C Smith, Brian P Smith, Chuck Bates, Mark Burney

AO Warriors (Alpha & Omega Warriors)

FIND Anniversary– Nov 16 2023

Left to Right:
Richard Flores, Jason Goodwin, Rand Lionbeger, A.J. Wagoner, Arun Paul, Chris Money, Laurence Sombito, Bo Aycock, and Greg Marconi.

Diamond Dogs

FIND Anniversary – Aug 18, 2023

Left to Right:
Collin Dobbs, John Beck, Patrick McLanahan, Clifford Hite, Paul Cesak, Marc Laney, Tyler Corder, David Durham


FIND Anniversary –Jan 26, 2023

Left to Right:
Scott Kelley, Greg Kubala, Eric Williams, Mike Wright, Don Dotson, Mike Malkemes, Lloyd Conaway and Jonathan Clark.

The Chosen

FIND Anniversary –August 5, 2022

Left to Right:
Dan Blake, Carter Breed, Chris Zander, Clay Casassa, Jay Cappis, Chase Luberger, Mario Arredondo, Greg Griffin

Lion's Den

FIND Anniversary –April 29, 2022

Left to Right:
Russell Griffin, Brian Grigsby, Geraldo “G” Olivo, Clark Hillegeist, Jeff Pate, Floyd Powell, Leland Ellsworth

M29 – Matthew 2:9

FIND Anniversary –March 24, 2022

Left to Right:
Steve Hampton, Cyrus Bahrami, Peter Brownell, John Diamond, Matt Saunders, Will Frederking, Toby Dagenhart, Ed McCall


FIND Anniversary –January 14, 2022

1st Row:
Peter Tesarek
Art Fallon
Jim Driscoll
2nd Row:
Paul Ziegenbein
Mike McCormack
Luke Davis
Mat Yelvington
Daren Dahmer
FinD 27

Holy’n Biblical

FIND Anniversary – October 26, 2021

1st Row:
Neal Stephenson
Patrick Howard
Clay Burton (NP)
Greg Zuanich (NP)
2nd Row:
Aaron McGuire
Jarret Venghaus
Marco Juarez
Mark Baird
Find Mens

T.D.O.C. (Texas Disciples of Christ)

FIND Anniversary – September 29, 2021

1st Row:
Matt Fox
David Higgins
Zach Corcoran
Will Carlisle
2nd Row:
David Shaw
Scott Gilley
Jason Gourlas
Caleb Powell
The 25th

G-Squared (Grace Squared)

FIND Anniversary– August 27, 2021

1st Row:
Stuart Ray
Mark Walton
Josh Sachs
2nd Row:
Matt Thomas
Kelly Belcher
Kyle Hugghins
Tod Bruchmiller
Dustin Curry


FIND Anniversary– May 5, 2021

1st Row:
Todd Dina
Brit Chapman
David Koch
Mark Pereira
2nd Row:
Cody Adamek
Andy Adams
Ziad Habayeb
John Murphy
Danny Mraz

The 23rd

FIND Anniversary– November 20, 2020

1st Row:
Auston Reinhart
Tim Early
Dave Oakland
Andy Ball
Brandon Brickley
2nd Row:
Bob Barnett
Eric Bethea
Barclay Branch
Justin Patton
Jack Jones

BIGGINs (Brothers in Grace, Growing in Numbers)

FIND Anniversary – September 4, 2020

1st Row:
Travis Austin
Robbie Hirst
Andrew Browning
Ben Burns
2nd Row:
Matt Brown
Joel Wetzel
Lynton Smith
David Oliphant
Justin Marconi

J-Walkers (Jesus Walkers)

FIND Anniversary – February 28, 2020

Chris Ayers
Wes Deskin
James Ellis
Will Jochetz
Dan Kubitza
Ieuan Lewis
Blake McLean
Marty Nolterieke
Diego Secaira
Jeff Stubbs

STUDs (Sons Transformed Under Discipleship)

FIND Anniversary – September 20, 2019

John Elkins
Ross Gilbert
David Gordon
Dave Harger
Trevor Harris
John Herbert
Steve Jaques
Jeff Treadway
Richard Walters

United For Christ (UFC)

FIND Anniversary– June 21, 2019

Owen Anglum
Jimmy Debenport
Mark Graeve
Trey Holm
Jeff Mamera
Jeff McCord
Andrew Miller
Mike Suerth
Marcus Tucker

Band of Brothers (BOBs)

FIND Anniversary – March 23, 2019 (originally formed January 25, 2017)

Left to Right

Front: Will Haley, Juaquin Arellano, Alvaro Belloso

Middle: Trey Wakefield, Alexis Rollier, Cade Rhoden, Brian Byrne, Luis Valdivia

Back: Thomas Hoang, Charlie Vatterott

Salty Dogs

FIND Anniversary March 22, 2019

Steve Blundell
George Craft
David Dietert
Hayden Drum
John Eyster
Tyler Marona
Andre Maule
Colby Mueck
Larry Singley
Larry Sloan


FIND Anniversary – January 25, 2019

Josh Brunson
Manuel Delgado
Lee Gallerano
Michael Higgins
Geoff King
Bobby Long
David Marshall
Todd Rankin
Pete Verbeke
Clay Weaver

BAM (Be A Man)

FIND Anniversary – April 5, 2018 (originally formed February 8, 2017)

Kyle Brantley
Tim Brown
Mike Dina
Mark Eubanks
Louis Hamilton
Adam Kadane
Philip Martin
Trey McAfee
David Michels
Jeff Taylor

Misfit Boys

FIND Anniversary – April 5, 2018 (originally formed May 17, 2013)

Gary Carlson
Miles Harper
Tod Higginbotham
Scott Hollingsworth
Tim Wardlow
Reagan Williams


FIND Anniversary – November 21, 2017

Grant Butrum
Clay Cossey
Joe Dang
Matt Gronseth
Elliot Hovanetz
Nick Luton
Scott Monteverde
Keith Ritchie
Orlando Vega

GAIMers (God Alone is Mercy)

FIND Anniversary – January 3, 2017 (originally formed December 1, 2015)

Russ Gray
Mike Strachan
Alan Engberg
Steve Simonich
Ruben Rodriguez
Keith O’Connor
Joe Barber
Tom Staskus
Brian Thorne
Emmanuel Herbinet
Mario Pepe

SOL’s (Sons of Light)

FIND Anniversary – July 18, 2016 (originally formed June 30, 2006)

Jon Bates
Harry Camp
Rick Haberman
Tom Hebert
Richard Haralson
Tim Howard
Greg LaRue
Tom McCall

FISH (Friends In Service to Him)

FIND Anniversary – June 24, 2016

Brooks Howell
Dan Monson
Ed Vaughn
Devin Galimore
Juan Castelblanco
Matt Cooper
Bill Enszer

MIA (Men in Armor)

FIND Anniversary – January 15, 2016 (merger of DOGs and WACG groups)

Bert Baker
Brian Burke
Perry Bolger
Grant Hixson
Paul Palmer
Mark Pillsbury
Trae Roby
Chris Rush
Mark Ultis
Brian Weatherall

BMOC (Blessed Men of Christ)

FIND Anniversary – August 21, 2015

Front Row: Chad Fargason, Bryan Fleener, Bill Jamison

Back Row: Mike Walker, Steve Tamez, Chris Chaffin, Kirk Sides

ManU (Man United)

FIND Anniversary – February 6, 2015

Clay Albrecht
Preston Cunningham
Bucky Farrow
Jason Lawless
Greg Marconi
Brandon Marrow
Brooks McClain
David Salazar
Jason Stewart
Charles Truan

BOSS (Brothers of Scripture Study)

FIND Anniversary– October 22, 2014

Jason Barrett
Justin Brymer
Ed Hess
Ryan Lippold
Paul Oliphant
Matt Parker
Anthony Squillante
Mike Tenney
Brandon Urech

BBC (Beltway Brothers in Christ)

FIND Anniversary – May 6, 2014

Brad Poteet
Mickey Peters
John Todd
Robert Casteel
Glen Shepard
Alex Antestenis
Wade Crawford
Billy Sides (not pictured)

MoB Squad (Men of the Bible)

FIND Anniversary – March 28, 2013

David Bradley
Kevin Burleson
Don Daniels
Daron Houston
Philip Parker
Eddie Perdomo
Blake Swoboda
John Yochum

Cross Heirs

FIND Anniversary – June 15, 2012

Eric Bach
Spence Bridges
Mike Elliott
Jeff Gentil
John Muschalik
Brian Storts
Pete White

SOBs (Sons of the Bible)

FIND Anniversary – January 8, 2012

Left to Right: Tim Thomas, David Hock, Dave Harkins, Mike Eyre, Kris Culpepper, Michael Benes, Clint Harrington, Ed Everett

The 13

Formed Spring 2006

Brett Anderson
Rick Bradford
Chris Arend
David Baay
Rick Chapman
Scott Cofran
Walt Denny
Gregg Donovan
Matt Flemming
Michael Gilbert
David Miller
Alan Seidensticker
Drew Tingleaf
Brian Zahn
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