Transforming Men Through Jesus Christ In Authentic, Weekly Fellowship In Discipleship

Who We Are

Fellowship in Discipleship (FIND) is a fellowship of Christian men who are serious about authentic discipleship. We challenge each other daily to believe the incredible news that God actually knows us, loves us, and wants to transform us into spiritual maturity.
We are not a church. We are simply one extension of the church universal. We are not perfect. Not even close. We are broken individuals, in need of God’s infinite grace through fellowship.
Each group of at least 8 and no more than 10 men is formed through the design and timing of the Holy Spirit. As it stands today, most of the men in each of these small groups live near or work on the west side of Houston, Texas. The groups meet weekly for an hour or so, on a day and time and at a location that works for the group. Typically, a group is closed to new members once it begins, but new groups continue to form year-round.

The idea of the FIND was born through Clint Harrington’s response to God’s call. When, faced with an unexpected divorce, the early death of his mother, and the loss of his job, the Holy Spirit busted down Clint’s door and challenged him to surrender his fears at the Cross and find fellowship with other Christians who shared his desire to grow in deep discipleship with Jesus Christ. In January 2012, inspired by an existing West Houston group called “The 13”, Clint started his own weekly small group, the Sons of the Bible (SOBs). Six months into life changing honesty and transparency, the Holy Spirit placed a calling on Clint’s heart … a calling to share with other men who also desperately needed the blessings of fellowship and spiritual growth, which Clint had experienced with the SOBs.
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