Transforming Men Through Jesus Christ In Authentic, Weekly Fellowship In Discipleship

Trae Roby (MIA – Men in Armor)

“What is it like to be in a weekly men’s discipleship group?

To me, it can best be described like this.  It’s not that old friend you might have that you enjoy calling every once in a while to catch up, socialize with and stay in touch periodically.

It also is not that business associate at work that you can relate too, and you have fun business discussions with comparing notes, maybe even socializing with every now and then. These friends can certainly be awesome friends, but maybe are not the ones that you elect to share everything with.

A small group friend develops into much more than that.  It develops into what I call a genuine, real friend.

A friend that you want to / can peel your onion back to the core.

A friend that you meet with regularly on a weekly basis, and can lay it all out there with, you can pray with, you can study the Bible with, and you can be rest assured that everything shared together will be kept in the strictest of confidence.

A friend you can be totally candid with and trust will give you honest, solid feedback and opinions.

A friend that you share that commitment with for personal accountability.

A friend you certainly socialize with as well.

He is there for the same reason you are – wanting to form that brotherhood bond and grow close together. He wants to be there for you!


Being in a men’s small group has certainly met and exceeded my expectations. I would encourage you to give the thought some consideration! You will not regret your decision, I promise you!”

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