“In the summer of 2014, a friend of mine mentioned the concept of a men’s small group to me that he had heard about in the neighborhood. I was familiar with a similar concept and so was excited to hear more about it.
Later that fall, with a group of friends, neighbors, and a few more guys who had shown interest, “Brothers of Scripture Study” or BOSS was formed.
Since then, we have met consistently on Friday mornings for the last 4 years. We have studied books of the Bible, many popular Christian books, researched church and bible history, and spent time on relationship building discussion.
As a group, we have supported each other through many significant life changes. Personally, the guys have been by my side and supported me through several significant life changing events including the death of my mom and a stressful job change.
We also joined together during Harvey to help out one of our members who was flooded by the bayou release. I know I can call on any of them in a time of need, and they will drop what they are doing to listen and help if they can.
I look forward to waking up early each Friday and spending time developing true community with the other guys and deepening my faith at the same time.”