Transforming Men Through Jesus Christ In Authentic, Weekly Fellowship In Discipleship

Chris Arend (The 13)

The truth about our group is that it was never supposed to exist.  We were just supposed to study a Lenten series together in the Spring of 2006 and move on with our lives.  14 years later, I see it differently.  We were group of men who had young kids around the same ages but we really didn’t know each other.  The part of not knowing each other seems so strange to me now.  You see a decade and half of life really changes a man.  Luckily, we didn’t have to do it alone.  We have celebrated together, prayed together, and we have cried together.  We have done life together.  In the middle of everything, we have studied God’s word.  That is how God shaped our group.  One verse at a time the Holy Spirit showed us what it is to be a follower of Christ in this broken world.  I thank God for the men in my group today.  God clearly knew the plans he had for each of us even if we didn’t see it coming.  That seemingly innocent connection had become something bigger than we could have ever imagined.  We are humbled by the growth of small groups in the area and are grateful to be part of something far bigger than ourselves.

Lastly, we obviously deal with the same things every group deals with.  We have to battle the same passivity that is deeply seated in each of us.  14 years later, we know to do it together.  What about you?  What are you battling with?  I pray that you bring it to God and to your brothers in your group and do life together.  Praise be to God that we don’t have to do it alone.

[Chris is an active member at Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church, husband to Meka, dad to two amazing kiddos, and is a graduate of Baylor University.  FinD seeks to transform men through Jesus Christ in authentic, weekly fellowship in discipleship.  Real Men…Real Discipleship.  FinD out more by visiting our website at or contacting us at]

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