Transforming Men Through Jesus Christ In Authentic, Weekly Fellowship In Discipleship

Danny Mraz (ReFinD)

Danny Mraz Houston
Danny Mraz

Growing up my father would constantly remind our family that the three most important things in life are, "God, Family, Friends. In that order." After he passed away a few years ago, I realized I needed to prioritize my relationship with Christ and that I needed to do more than just attend church on Sundays and pray before bed. Not long after, a friend from my neighborhood reached out about joining a small group. After hearing about it, as well as a follow up breakfast with Clint, I knew this was something I wanted to do......however, what I didn't know was just how much I would need FinD and my small group ReFinD. 

Our group has been together for two and a half years and we have already seen many highs and lows. In May of last year, my oldest daughter (11 at the time) suffered a stroke on Mother's Day, was diagnosed with Moyamoya disease, and has since had multiple brain surgeries. I'm happy to report that she is currently a 7th grader at MMS and is doing very well (Praise God!), but as you can imagine the past 17 months have been very difficult. Through all of this, my ReFinD group and FinD were constantly there to support me and my family: endless texts and calls, guys showing up unannounced to landscape my yard, gifts and encouraging letters for my daughter, meals offered, etc... It is very comforting to know that whatever life throws our way, we have brothers unified in Christ that will be there to help us along.

I'm beyond thankful that the Lord has placed my ReFinD brothers in my life. We all have different stories, come from different backgrounds, are in different stages of life, and may have varying opinions on different topics. However, we are all united and ReFinD (see what I did there?) in Christ. We encourage each other to be good Christian fathers, husbands, and friends. I would highly encourage anyone that is not in a Christian group to FinD one! Life can and will be hard at times. Having a group of men, rooted in the love for Christ that offer support, accountability and love, is and has been such a blessing!

Danny and his family worship at MDUMC. He is married to his lovely wife Adriane, a father to Meredith, Marshall, and Madeline, and a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin. He is Head of East Gas at EDF Trading North America, LLC

FinD seeks to transform men through Jesus Christ in authentic, weekly Fellowship in Discipleship.

This testimonial and many others from FinD men can be found at:


Real Men…Real Discipleship

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