Transforming Men Through Jesus Christ In Authentic, Weekly Fellowship In Discipleship

Richard Flores - AO (Alpha & Omega) Warriors

Richard Flores

“For only being 32 years old, it feels like I have already lived a lot of life. I have seen and experienced a lot of things no one my age should see or experience. But, if it was not for the path I traveled, I would have not found the Lord or my FIND group. I did not realize what I was missing in life until I met Clint Harrington and my FIND brothers (AO Warriors small group). My life has been turned around completely with having the AO Warriors, Clint, my family and close friends. They even helped me achieve a goal that I thought was unattainable, which is living a transformed, sober life.

I was raised Catholic, and I did the ordinary things day to day but unfortunately shelved my relationship with God when I was 10 years old.  Until I was about 31 years old,  I didn’t attend church regularly and didn’t pray much. Not that I wasn’t a believer, I just never gave my faith the attention it needed. Being an avid fisherman and hunter, I would find myself reflecting and praying on those trips and I thought that was enough along with only praying for only for what I wanted and for things to happen.

Starting in my teens, life was a whirlwind for me - alcohol, partying, getting into debt, legal trouble, depression and a suicide attempt. I had zero faith and no balance in life, and I always knew in the back of my mind I was not living right - always pushing my luck and placing God in the back seat. It wasn’t until 2022 that I started going to church to attempt mending my strained relationship with our Father. I met my girlfriend, Katy, that year and we started to attend Houston’s First Baptist with her family where I met her mother, Jennifer. Jennifer is one of the most God-fearing women I have ever met and has a real genuine relationship with God, and she teaches her own women’s bible study. I started asking her questions about God and my faith. One night after dinner, I asked her about when I might have my “God moment”.  I wondered when I would have my encounter with Him - like a revelation. She explained that it’s not forced, and I have to let it happen naturally. I kept attending church, but old sinful habits still surfaced at times. On October 15, 2022, I got hit by a drunk driver. My truck was totaled, but I somehow made it out with just a scratch from a wreck I shouldn’t have survived. After that experience I began making time for God daily thanking Him for everything and was grateful for still being alive. I sensed He had a higher purpose for me.

In June of 2023 I got invited to go on a fishing trip to beautiful place called the Chandeleur Islands. Little did I know this was God’s plan finally coming to light on this trip. The first night on the trip I got to meet Clint and we talked and visited and became buddies instantly. At the end of the night, I noticed a FIND sticker on Clint’s phone and I asked him about it. He gave me a rundown of FIND and encouraged me to check out the website. I went back to my room and looked it up and was intrigued. Two full days of fishing later, Clint and I were unwinding on the patio of our floating house, and I asked more questions about FIND, my story, and my faith. He said, “I’ll tell you what. When we get back home, let’s do breakfast. I know a good place and when can sit down and really talk. Fast forward 3 weeks, Clint and I are sitting down at Sam’s Diner which I learned to be “headquarters” for many vital FIND meetings.  Clint shared his full testimony, which freed me to share mine with him. While I opened my heart to him, I could feel my eyes fill up with my tears and I was overwhelmed and accepted in love. No shame, just freedom. For the first time in life, I truly felt accepted by a “stranger” who welcomed me in his life despite all my hardships and mistakes. At the end of breakfast, he asked me to pray for 24 hours about plugging into the next FIND group that was forming. The next day, I told him, that was all in!

On November 18, 2023 my life changed forever.  I got to meet the guys in my new FIND group along with some FIND Shepherds and other leaders. A week later my group started meeting and we started out with everyone giving their personal testimonies. I went second. I was scared to do mine, but at the end of it I felt like God was giving me a big hug and my eight new brothers at the table that morning had nothing but love to give. It felt like a huge weight was off my shoulders. Between bonding with these guys, and also joining FIND Recovery (12 Step group), I started to feel a new peace about being a beloved child of God. The Holy Spirit was transforming me!

It was January 27, 2024 that I took my last drink of alcohol and fully committed to remove the demon of alcohol from my life. Six days later, I attended the annual FIND Retreat at Stoney Creek Ranch. The first night I got there I was scared and overwhelmed. I quickly found my FIND (AO Warrior) brother Chris and stuck by him as I began to meet other people. I remember meeting guys from other groups, and they were saying “welcome, brutha, we are glad you made it!”. I was like, okay you barely know me! But, they were still so warm and welcoming. The next morning I woke up feeling overwhelmed and standoffish like I didn’t belong there. I prayed and prayed that those feelings would go away. That morning we had our first assembly session. I walked in and sat next to someone I knew and he could tell instantly I wasn’t myself. I told him how I felt and that I didn’t think I deserved to be there, but he reassured me to be patient, wait on God, and it would be ok. David Dendy was the retreat speaker, and he gave an amazing message about taking our “mat” with us (Mark 2: 1-12). Our sins are forgiven, we have been restored and healed, now go take your mat as evidence of your transformation in Christ. Instantly I was in tears. Everything came out, and I could feel the Christ telling me, “Richard, this is your moment, here is your revelation, I am here and have always been, and I am not going anywhere.” It was what I was waiting for! God got a firm hold of me and I returned that grasp, and I’m not letting go!  When David Dendy was done talking, I immediately jumped up and gave my friend Auston a hug. I walked up to Clint and thanked him and gave him a big hug and told him it finally happened. I approached David Dendy and gave him a big hug thanked and him briefly told him my story. He told me he loved me and he was glad his message spoke to me. From then on, I have been a different person – freedom, peace, joy. I had so much fun the rest of that retreat. I began to meet and talk to more people, and everyone was so kind and supportive. I realized we were all there for the same reason.

I thank God for FIND and what our Father is doing through this ministry to transform lives. The mission statement, “Transforming men through Jesus Christ in authentic, weekly fellowship in discipleship” couldn’t be real and true in my life. I’m excited to see what else He will do through my AO Warrior brothers in FIND in the years to come. He’s not finished with me, yet!”

RIchard worships at Houston’s First Baptist. He has been a Lead Engineer with CBRE in Houston, Texas for the past nine years, and he’s an avid fisherman and hunter.

FIND seeks to transform men through Jesus Christ in authentic, weekly Fellowship in Discipleship. Real Men…Real Discipleship

 This testimonial and many others from FIND men can be found at:


Friday, May 17th – PULL for Discipleship Clay Shoot at Greater Houston Sports Club

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