Transforming Men Through Jesus Christ In Authentic, Weekly Fellowship In Discipleship

Jonathan Clark (Journeyman)

Jonathan Clark (Journeyman)

I joined FIND in the summer of 2022. I was aware of FIND for many years before I decided to join the group. And to be honest, I thought FIND was more college frat than the Christ-centered, transformative organization I’ve come to know. When friends mentioned FIND or invited me to a Fire Pit Night, I was skeptical and came up with excuses for why I couldn’t make it.

But a few years ago, my father went through his fourth divorce, stirring in me a time of introspection surrounding issues I had not visited in many years. He was not a bad person, but he was flawed – as we all are – and more than I realized, his struggles affected my self-image, relationships, and understanding of manhood. I wondered: What kind of man am I? Can I maintain a marriage? Am I a good father?

While my wife was amazingly supportive, I realized I needed other men in my life to confess struggles, process insecurities, and confront doubts. So, I reached out to FIND and Ed Everett, a FIND Shepherd, soon called me. I already knew Ed and thought, “here we go, fraternity rush week.” But when we met for lunch, Ed’s sincerity in sharing how his group profoundly affected his life changed my perspective. And as we wrapped up our conversation, Ed said something that both challenged and encouraged me. He said, “I think you’ll get a lot from your group, and I think YOU have a lot to offer to a group.” You see, I wasn’t sure if I had much to contribute. How could I help other guys when I was experiencing these struggles and doubts?

But the truth is that the Lord uses broken and struggling people for His work – just look to the scriptures: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Ruth, Hannah, David, to name a few. This is good news since we all struggle and are broken on some level. We are wounded by people, but with God’s grace, we are also healed through His people. Life is about relationships – but most guys are not very good at navigating relationships. First and foremost is our relationship with Jesus, then our wives and kids, but also our friends, colleagues, and others the Lord puts in our lives. FIND is also about relationships, encouraging us to walk through life with other Christ-centered brothers.

My FIND group, the Journeymen, started two years ago – almost to the date of this publication. We are far from perfect, but we share our struggles and bring our fears and failures into the light. We’ve found support, a place to be honest and real, and to encourage each other to be engaged as the husbands, fathers, and friends the Lord designed us to be. I am very grateful for my group and am tremendously blessed by our weekly meetings.

If you are struggling or looking to build a genuine community, consider joining FIND. You will get a lot from your group.  And, most assuredly, YOU have a lot to offer a group.

Jonathan and his family are members of Tallowood Baptist Church, where he serves as a Deacon and as the Church Parliamentarian. He is also a member of FIND Group 32, The Journeymen, and is his Group’s Discipleship Council representative. He and his wife, Becky, will celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary this April. Together, they direct Crosswalk, a Tallowood Connect Group for married adults, where the joy and rewards of ministry draw them closer to the Lord and to each other. They are blessed with three amazing children: Lauren (UT), Trey (TAMU), and Abi (SHS).

FIND seeks to transform men through Jesus Christ in authentic, weekly Fellowship in Discipleship. Real Men…Real Discipleship

This testimonial and many others from FIND men can be found at:

Upcoming FIND Events:

EVERY Wednesday Night - FIND Recovery at MDUMC (AA - 12 Step program)

Friday PM, January 31st to Sunday AM, February 2nd - FIND Annual Retreat at Stoney Creek Ranch

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