"So why do I need FIND?" Valid question, surely between my church's men group and adult Sunday School, I have all the fellowship I need, besides my schedule is pretty full and I am not sure if I have the time to commit to something else . Yep these are all reasons why FIND may not immediately jump up and appear that God is tapping you on the shoulder. Yes, I attended my church's Men's Life for several years and, yes, I taught adult Sunday school for nearly 20 years and while there was some breadth of men's fellowship in those things there was not the depth, and the depth is the marrow, it's the good stuff and that's what my FIND small group “J-Walkers” (Jesus Walkers) offers.
There are not many opportunities normally for transformational intimacy between guys, yet it is that intimacy in a FIND small group that displays God work in miraculous ways. Being vulnerable and accountable to God and each other has been an opportunity to cry in the valleys and rejoice on the mountain tops with a group of guys who are beyond friends. I have been privileged to witness powerful habitual sin conquered and relationships healed. J-Walkers offers endless opportunities to share life experiences, God's lessons and encouragement can be provided when life's journey gets us down.
It has not always been easy. J-Walkers was formed just before COVID hit and I think our new group only had three meetings before the shutdown happened. As we all know, virtual meetings on Zoom, Teams or Google Meet are not the same as face to face. God also suddenly called one of our members to his eternal home, but we were blessed to be told by his son, how much J-Walkers meant to him and the void it helped fill since his wife's death. We have also had a member drop out and despite our best intentions. Life gets in the way and impacts attendance. My wife and I moved to the Texas Hill country full time two years into the J-Walkers forming. So, I now participate via Google Meet and the occasional in person appearance when I am in Houston. Through all this, God has been faithful, we have been challenged and worked through internal relational issues. We are, after all, not perfect, but God's Grace is sufficient for our needs and we have a group imperfect men trying to be obedient to a perfect God, praying for and encouraging each other along the way.
FIND provides a valuable, needed, and transformational fellowship opportunity in the lives of men and I am thankful for being a part of it.
Ieuan lives in Wimberley, Texas with Jill, his wife of 33 years. He has three amazing adult kiddos - James and Lindell who are in Austin and Ainsley who is a Junior at Texas State - and numerous deer and foxes that roam around their home. He and Jill worship at Cypress Creek Church and while he is retired from a career in Financial Services, Iuean stays busy being a Board Member and volunteer at Wimberley Crisis Breadbasket, (Wimberley's Foodbank) volunteering with Wimberley Lion's Club, running an Airbnb and supporting Jill's Wimberley Market Day booth Saucy Salvage.
FIND seeks to transform men through Jesus Christ in authentic, weekly Fellowship in Discipleship. Real Men…Real Discipleship
This testimonial and many others from FIND men can be found at: https://finddiscipleship.org/testimonials/
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