Transforming Men Through Jesus Christ In Authentic, Weekly Fellowship In Discipleship

“I had settled into some success in my law practice after moving to Houston to open our firm’s Houston office in 2008. My family life was great. But, I felt like there must be more.

I had devoted so much time and energy to our move from Dallas and launching our firm’s new office, that I had neglected myself. When not working, I spent most of my time with my wife and our family. The move was originally a financial strain and it was tough to crack the Memorial social nut. I really had no meaningful friendships outside of my family. I felt like I was wandering.

After an MDPC Men’s Life session on spiritual community, I met with Pastor Brett Hurst who directed me to the WSGN and Clint Harrington.  Like so many men on the Westside of town, I had a breakfast meeting with Clint which led to my joining the MoB Squad (Men of the Bible).

The MoB meets every Friday for fellowship, prayer and Bible Study.  We have covered prayer, the Holy Spirit and a variety of books from the Bible in our lessons. But, the true gift of a men’s small group is the relationships.  The men of the MoB know me best, my strengths and weaknesses.  There is no judgment, only support and encouragement.

I cannot think of a life circumstance or condition that has not been faced by at least one member of the group. Together we have shared many highs and lows. The group has given me direction and peace.  I no longer feel astray and alone but have confidence in the strong Christian friendships acting as a support and rock through life’s ups and downs.

“My small group, the GAIMers, has meant so much to me it is hard to put into words.

This band of brothers provides me with great examples and role models and brothers who help hold me accountable to becoming a better man, husband, father, and disciple.

They help to stretch me in my knowledge of the faith and provide a great sounding board challenges that our secular world presents.  I really look forward to our great conversations every Tuesday morning and am really disappointed when I have to travel for work and miss the group.

There is no doubt in my mind that joining the GAIMers was one of the best decisions I have ever made and something I have never regretted.  I really and truly look forward to getting up early every Tuesday morning because of the great bond and fellowship that we share.”

“I had just finished attending my Men’s ACTS Retreat in 2015 and shortly thereafter received a note to join a small men’s group.  I was still on this incredible spiritual high from my retreat and knew I needed to keep this fire burning.

So I joined the small men’s group and soon knew I had 7-9 Brothers-in-Christ for life.  We named ourselves the GAIMer’s [God Alone Is Mercy].

We can share anything and know we have the unconditional support for all of us, including our wives and families.  I always told my wife that if something ever happened to me, you have 7 other GAIMer’s and their families that would look after you and the girls.

We now know each other’s families and have great fellowship multiple times a year.   But the most important aspect of our group is that we can share anything and know how to listen and learn from each other.

We also meet biannually with other small men’s group via WSGN.  Now our family is 130-140 men strong.  We all have a single focal point of how the Bond of Christ can teach us how to serve both Him and others through Him.

I used to be a pretty selfish person and mainly focused on myself.  This group has taught me how to help serve others only for the pure act of serving with nothing expected in return.  How awesome is that?

And yes, the saying “iron sharpens iron”, there’s no better way to do so when 150 men get together for the love of God and how to better service Him by helping our fellow man.”

 “Joining FinD (and BMOC) has been one of the best decisions of my adult life.

Our group has built a close relationship built on friendship, camaraderie, dialogue and no less importantly, laughter.

It is awesome for the soul and wouldn’t be possible without our common base in Christ.”

 “My FinD group, the ”Cross Heirs”, has been an anchor of accountability,  spiritual growth, and grace for me.

We’re all on a journey through this life, and sometimes life can throw hardballs at you and can even go sideways sometimes.

Having a group of brothers who are always there for you and at your side – no matter what, and who are all striving and trying to fight the good fight, is very rewarding.

Being vulnerable and vulnerably sharing, without judgment and condemnation, is something that every man needs.

A passion to grow in God’s grace, wisdom, and to love as Jesus Christ loved the Church, is something that our group is about.  Find a small group and begin the journey…..”

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